Who is Ajmal Rahmani?

The 24-hour news channels of Russian TV’s state-controlled NTV and even the independent regional station, Fontanka, carried the story. The European Union (EU) accused Russia of “putting a price on refugees’ heads.” The story of Ajmal Rahmani was an immediate PR success for the Kremlin. Who is Ajmal Rahmani? Retired general, former parliament speaker, and head of the Kulak party, Yusupov’s faction. In the past two years, since Russia has invaded Crimea from Ukraine, a wave of displaced persons has made their way from Ukraine towards EU countries. The wave of refugees is increasing in recent months, many of whom are Afghans who have been living in Afghanistan for years.

Ajmal Rahmani: Instagram & Family

One of the migrants is Ajmal Rahmani, an Afghan man who fled his homeland to build a new life in Ukraine. Ajmal is a journalist and political analyst. He was forced to flee his homeland due to numerous instances of threats on his life by local warlords and extremists. The threats forced him to leave his country in search of a better place where he can live freely. He sought refuge in Ukraine, but after a recent incident, he was again forced to flee his adopted country. Ajmal Rahmani is an Afghan refugee based in Ukraine. With the conflict between Russia and its neighbor county intensifying, Ajmal and his family fled to Ukraine for refuge. Three years later, they were forced to seek a secure haven in the neighboring country Turkey when a bomb landed on their apartment building in Kiev. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s failure to protect Afghans from “torture and abuse” is a stain on his nation’s honor, Amnesty International said Friday. Six months after the Ukrainian government announced it would shelter Afghan refugees as a sign of support to Ukraine’s European aspirations, Ajmal Rahmani, an Afghan refugee who fled his country and registered with Ukraine, says he was allegedly abducted by soldiers in Odesa, Ukraine, while en route with another refugee to the airport.


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