Who is Berfin Ozek?

I respect him a lot, but he respects me a lot, too.” “I do not really feel safe with him within outer walls there,” he wrote in response, asking the police if he might drop his accusation against him. “We’ve written a bunch of messages.” I’ve surrendered myself through him. I adore him, and he adores me as well.” He, on the other hand, is said to have inundated them with promises of reunion and repentance. Later, he contacted his lawyer to assist him. As a consequence of the attack on a courtroom in Turkey’s Iskenderun province, his fiance was imprisoned for 13 months of the start in jail. Ozark, who was largely sighted at the time, contacted the police towards Celtik and was later imprisoned. We have sent several messages to one another,” Ozan wrote, relenting and agreeing to drop her case. I’ve surrendered myself to him. Eltik was to be punished for the offense of ‘intentional harm,’ it was claimed. Casim Ozan eltik, who had been detained following the incident, was charged with “negligent homicide,” according to the prosecution. In his revised judgment, the investigator issued a legal judgment that “there was really no desire to murder” in the civil proceeding at the Iskenderun 1st Severe Criminal Tribunal.

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The Turkish people have been further angered when Celtik proposes to Ozen shortly after his discharge, and woman yes. Nevertheless, in accordance with the changes in the legislation as a result of the coronavirus, Celtik was on lots of potential on probation, although he is still open to international criticism. Ozek, on the other hand, was chastised on social networking sites by his fans and followers. Berfin Ozek was in pain all the time and also had 30 percent sight in one gaze, so her newly gained autonomy has provoked controversy online. She then demands that perhaps the tribunal dismiss her lawsuit. Following our marriage, photographs of the newlyweds posing gleefully after receiving legal paperwork to cement the arrangement were released to social networking sites. Celtik received a 13.5-year punishment the second time, which has been thankfully reduced owing to Covid regulatory amendments. Celtik’s followers were startled and disgusted when Celtik engaged to Ozek quickly after his discharge from the hospital, and Ozek approved without hesitation. He’s in prison now, and he’s remarried his on-again, off-again fiancée, for whom the life he once devastated in the twinkling of an eye. Another man chastised me, stating that if someone asked me who was the most discarded human being on the planet, I would mention this female’s surname. I’ve battled for her after countless decades, but it’s all been doing this for naught. Had it not been for the virus, Celtic will still be in the bars,” a lawyer said. The Berlin Ozek has yet to reply to the widespread online outrage. The father was quoted in the newspaper as saying, “She wedded outside our knowledge.


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