Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo

As the conflict in Kashmir continues, stories of the Kashmiri Pandits who’ve been displaced keep emerging. One such story is that of Girija Tickoo, a Kashmiri Pandit woman who fled her homeland in 1990. In her book, The Kashmir Files: A personal story of exile and return, Tickoo tells the story of her life before and after the 1990 exodus, which saw the mass displacement of Kashmiri Pandits. Telling her story provides a unique perspective on the conflict in Kashmir and sheds light on the plight of the Kashmiri Pandits. Girija Tickoo is a Kashmiri Pandit woman who has been working in the field of media and human rights for over two decades. She has written extensively on the human rights abuses faced by the Kashmiri people and has also worked on documenting the Pandit community’s history in Kashmir. Her latest book, The Kashmir Files, tells the story of female Pandits from across Kashmir through their own words. Drawing on personal interviews and archival sources,

Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo Full Real Story Explained

The ‘Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo’ of the title is an educated, urbanite mother and daughter who were kicked out of their home valley in 1990 by militancy, Girija Tickoo is a Delhi-based author and scholar who has published her first book The Kashmir Files, a compilation of narratives chronicling Kashmiri Pandit women, who were displaced from their homeland in the early 1990s following the outbreak of violence in the Valley. She compiled these stories while working as an editor with two leading media houses in New Delhi and will be speaking on this topic at the Tiger Hill Club in Srinagar.


Who Is Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo In The Kashmir Files  Shows Kashmiri Pandit Woman s Real Story  Details  - 7Who Is Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo In The Kashmir Files  Shows Kashmiri Pandit Woman s Real Story  Details  - 20Who Is Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo In The Kashmir Files  Shows Kashmiri Pandit Woman s Real Story  Details  - 7Who Is Kashmiri Pandit Girija Tickoo In The Kashmir Files  Shows Kashmiri Pandit Woman s Real Story  Details  - 90